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Varn Vlog Solo: Fatal Strategies In the Time of Monsters
Varn Vlog: Susanna Kleeman on Love, Desire, and Other Fatal Strategies
Varn Vlog Solo: Why Does Everything Seem So Unfixable
Varn Vlog Solo: The Agony and Ecstasy of Power
Varn Vlog Solo: The Rational Kernel of the PMC debates and Why the Bourgeoisie is absent
Varn Vlog Solo: Baudrillard's Three Illusions of Hegemony
Varn Vlog: On the Varieties of Social Democratic Cul-de-Sacs
Varn Vlog: P. H. Higgin's on John Levi Martin's The Explanation of Social Action
Varn Vlog Andrew McWhinney of Negation Magazine on early Baudrillard
Varn Vlog: Alex Gendler and Varn discuss the hoarding of virtue
Varn Vlog: Jeremy Gross on the Use and Abuse of Cybernetic Theory
Varn Vlog: Jason Myles of TIR on Woodstock, Nu Metal, and Politics, Part 1